Single Payer Resources

The New York Health Act

  • Read the full bill here
  • Find the bill text, bill numbers, committee status, and current cosponsors in the NY Senate here and NY Assembly website here

Economic Analysis of the New York Health Act

  • Analysis of the Economics of the New York Health Act, Rodberg, Updated 2021: Summary is here. Full report is here
  • RAND study of New York Health Act, 2018: here
  • Analysis of the New York Health Act, Friedman, 2015: here

Flyers & Organizing Resources:

New York Health Act


Below: New York Health Act Town Hall, January 2024, with Dr. Betty Kolod, Assembly Member Dick Gottfried, and MORE-UFT leaders

Below: National Health Insurance: A Post-Election Grand Rounds Webinar (2017) by Ed Weisbart, MD, Chair PNHP - MO

More webinars are available on PNHP NY Metro's Vimeo Channel and on National PNHP's Youtube Channel

Films & Documentaries

FIX IT: Healthcare at the Tipping Point
Watch a powerful documentary that reaches across the political and ideological divide to expand support for major healthcare reform.

Why We Need The NY Health Act
4-minute play by Roberta Pikser

Fact Sheets


New York Health Act

  • 8.5" x 11" pdf for printing (please print double-sided and select "Flip on short edge" in the printer dialogue window.)
  • 11" x 17" pdf for printing single-sided.
  • PNG image for sharing online.

Medicare for All H.R. 676:

  • 8.5" x 11" pdf for printing (please print double-sided and select "Flip on short edge" in the printer dialogue window.)
  • 11" x 17" pdf for printing single-sided.
  • PNG image for sharing online.


  • PNHP's research drives the debate on health care reform. See the most up-to-date research released through the PNHP National Press Page.

Archived Presentations

Health/PAC (Health Policy Advisory Center) Bulletins

  • A complete collection of the Health/PAC Bulletin, the hard-hitting and muckraking journal of health activism, health care analyses and critiques which published for over three decades is now on-line and free at