
GIF with white background & 5 large central repeating lines of text in rainbow colors reading #MedStoryMonday, and text in red at bottom reading \

Fed up with for-profit healthcare?

Join our #MedStoryMonday campaign featuring stories (examples below) from health workers and students in support of the NY Health Act & Medicare for All!

CLICK HERE TO SHARE YOUR HEALTHCARE STORY TODAY to be featured in a #MedStoryMonday quotegraphic! Examples below!

Our stories play a significant role in shaping public perceptions and attitudes towards single-payer universal healthcare and healthcare workers are in a unique position to speak out about systemic injustice and to advocate for our patients. Help uplift the stories of the suffering endured, care denials and barriers, and resources wasted in the current U.S. healthcare system that treats care as a commodity rather than as a human right.

Patients, physicians, nurses, midwives, dentists, residents, public health workers and students, medical students, doulas, home care workers: we want to hear from you!

Share this page or this link www.bit.ly/MedStoryMonday with your colleagues so we can amplify more perspectives and experiences.

Follow, like and share our #MedStoryMonday posts on social media!   Facebook icon Twitter icon Instagram icon

Contributing your #MedStoryMonday story is easy;

  1. Provide the basic info requested here including a short 2-4 sentence / 75 word quote describing one of your frustrations or experiences with our current healthcare system and your reasons for supporting and working to pass single-payer.

    TIP: Be specific! People identify more deeply with details than generalizations.
    TIP: Your story can be from provider POV, relating a patient's experience, or a personal experience you or your loved ones have had with insurance companies or seeking care within the current inequitable, discriminatory system.

  2. Select a photo of yourself to share.
  3. We'll reach out to get your photo after you submit the form and will review the final graphic with you!

Tell us: How will universal single-payer healthcare change your life and the lives of your patients?!

View some of our past #MedStoryMonday graphics below!


Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of medical student Prince Yearwood at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “The current healthcare system makes patients feel small, overlooked, and undervalued. Our system is unequal and racist.As a black male patient in a clinic, I have had providers make the assumption that I would not have "good" insurance and fail to offer an intervention to me." At bottom right are three logos of Students for a National Health Program, Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & teal border, circular photo of Dr. Julie Wegener at the top left with quote at center of graphic reading "I discovered early that employer-based insurance makes no sense. At age 31, I left a clinic job in LA & moved back to NY to be near family as a young physician & pregnant mom. I ended up signing out AMA after a C-section (at NYU) because I had no health insurance. When we #PassNYHealth & #MedicareForAll, moms can give birth without incurring medical debt.." At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of medical student Cathy Lui at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “As a student volunteer at the Rescue Mission, I see many patients that are hesitant to admit they do not have health insurance. They feel ashamed and are afraid to be turned away. I feel frustrated by the current circumstances. These patients have so many disadvantages and challenges they face on a daily basis. They shouldn’t have to worry about health insurance when they have more important things to worry about such as family, food, rent, shelter, etc." At bottom right are three logos of Students for a National Health Program, Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & teal border, circular photo of psychotherapist &  community advocate Karina Aybar-Jacobs, LMSW, CPC, at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “As a therapist, I witness how my clients are not able to continue sessions because they have lost their insurance or have a very high deductible. As a cancer survivor, I have experienced  anxiety over high medical bills and uncertainty over post treatment costs. A system that prioritizes its citizens only when there's profitability, is a corrupt and immoral one. Healthcare is a human right.” At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of psychiatrist Dr. Peter Steinglass at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “Health insurance companies are mandated to cover psychiatric conditions like they would any other medical condition. So you would think that my patients would find it relatively easy to get reimbursed for the treatment I provide as a psychiatrist. NOT SO! Instead, my patients repeatedly report that their private, for-profit insurance companies have denied their claims. Who benefits from such a system? Surely not my patients. The solution: Single-payer universal healthcare” At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & teal border, circular photo of registered nurse, Marva Wade, at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “When I did assessments for patients about to undergo surgery for amputation of limbs or mastectomies, more often than not they had delayed medical treatment because they didn’t have insurance. Had they received timely medical services for their diabetes or peripheral vascular problems, or had mammograms, surgery could have been avoided. Single-payer would allow our patients to get care sooner and would save lives.” At bottom right are three logos of NYSNA, Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of obgyn resident physician Ashley Duhon at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “I am fighting for single payer because I am tired of seeing my patients forced to jump through insurance hoops to obtain a routine obstetric ultrasound. I am tired of telling patients that we are unable to treat their infertility unless they can pay for it out of pocket. And I fear the day when I may be denied the ability to provide contraception and abortion care for my patients. Universal healthcare is reproductive health care. Single payer is the first step to ensuring it as a right for all people in this country.” At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & teal border, circular photo of resident physician Alec Feuerbach at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “As an emergency room doctor in a public hospital, I see the patients turned away by other places. I remember one man who couldn’t walk or stand after rupturing his patella tendon falling on ice. He waited a week to get his treatment at another hospital only to be told they wouldn’t do the surgery because he didn’t have insurance.” At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of medical student Gabrielle Wimer at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “I support the NY Health Act and Medicare for All because healthcare is a human right. I don't want any of my future patients to have to decide between paying for the medications they need and putting a roof over their head." At bottom right are three logos of Students for a National Health Program, Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & teal border, circular photo of physician Marc Levietes at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “”I worked in a city hospital where most patients lack insurance. Many of our patients are burdened by strokes or heart failure. These illnesses are preventable by rigorous treatment of high blood pressure. But without adequate medical insurance, many don’t receive the preventive care they need and only the least expensive and thus least effective generic antihypertensives are affordable. No other industrialized country treats its people this way.” At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of midwife Eugenia Montesinos at top right with quote in red & teal at center of graphic reading “A mom with abnormal vaginal discharge and abdominal pain was diagnosed too late with advanced uterine cancer because she had no insurance or paid time off. She was finally able to seek care because we were offering free breast exams, mammograms and PAP smears. Under the New York Health Act and Medicare for All, everyone would have timely preventive care, early diagnosis and treatment. It would be an end to preventable tragedies." At bottom right are three logos of NYC Midwives, Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of Dr. Susan Kerman at top right with quote at center of graphic reading “I am a child psychiatrist in private practice for 40 years and have never witnessed a flood of need as I have during the pandemic. I had a parent recently who had called 26 doctors and found no one to take care of her child using her insurance. She was frantic. We desperately need a single payer system in this country, so that children and parents can get the care they need." At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of Dr. Roona Ray in front of a crowd at a rally speaking into a microphone at top left with quote at center of graphic reading ”A young woman came to see me for a finger she had broken five weeks prior. You didn’t need an x-ray to see that it was broken. She was an uninsured immigrant and worried about the cost of a doctor’s visit so she delayed coming. Her bone had already partially set in this awkward position.This is unacceptable. We need a healthcare system that is free at the point of service with no barriers to care. Pass the NY Health Act this year.” At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of Dr. Julie Wegener in profile speaking into a yellow megaphone at top left with quote at center of graphic reading "As a physician, I will continue to speak out against our profit-driven, racist health "care" system. Having seen up close the cruelty inflicted on our patients by unaffordable costs and unequal treatment, I am convinced that the only humane option is to pass the NY Health Act and Medicare For All." At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of RN Michelle Gonzalez at top left with quote at center of graphic reading "“When COVID began, we all knew there was a risk of exposure to ourselves and our families. It was one of our greatest fears. Because we lacked proper PPE, I got sick. Then my parents, who I live with, got sick. I watched as COVID spread through their lungs, deteriorated their health. We were able to somehow commandeer an oxygen machine. It was $3,000 and we're getting calls now from the insurance company. People are doing the best they can and we're being left, not only broke, but broken." At bottom right are three logos of Campaign for NY Health, PNHP NY Metro & NY State Nurses Association. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of Dr. Elizabeth Rosenthal at top left with quote at center of graphic reading "I was appalled when my patients delayed seeing me due to the cost. By the time they came the problem was so much worse and required much more intensive and expensive treatment. Why should they have to suffer through that? Healthcare must be provided as a human right." At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of Dr. Danny Neghassi at top left with quote at center of graphic reading "I feel powerless to help my patients when insurance companies deny the healthcare they desperately need. That is why I support the New York Health Act." At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll

Square graphic with white background & red border, circular photo of Dr. Jenny Hua at top left with quote at center of graphic reading "My patient received a $20,000 bill for his two year old daughter hospitalized for COVID-19. This would never happen with universal single-payer healthcare." At bottom right are two logos of Campaign for NY Health & PNHP NY Metro. At bottom left is text reading Share Your Story bit.ly/MedStoryMonday #PassNYHealth #MedicareForAll


Click here to share YOUR #MedStoryMonday healthcare story TODAY!