Sandra Turner 995sc

Sandra Turner

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  • posted about 10,000 Doctors for NY Health on Facebook 2018-04-01 11:32:43 -0400
    Return medical decision-making to doctors, patients, science, and public health. Sign the petition and #PassNYHealth

    1,306 signatures

    Doctors for NY Health Petition

    Current and future physicians, please add your name below.

    The injustices within the current U.S. healthcare system have never been more apparent. We must create a system that guarantees care for everybody. The New York Health Act will provide comprehensive, universal health coverage — including long-term care — for every resident of New York. 

    We are current and future physicians of New York State.

    Before the COVID pandemic, we were seeing patients needlessly suffering–unable to pay for medications, tests, and doctor visits, delaying treatment, and failing to address treatable illnesses. Now, as the effects of this unprecedented public healthcare crisis continue to unfold, we are witnessing the consequences of the fragmented and unequal system of care: Black and immigrant communities have seen the highest rates of death from COVID, millions of people lost their employer-sponsored health plan just when they needed it most, and under-insurance continues to be a problem, especially for mental healthcare, dental care, and home care. Private insurance companies posted record profits through the height of the pandemic and continue to make a killing today, following the rollback of the federal public health emergency that ended free coverage of COVID testing and treatment, putting it back in the hands of the profiteers. We cannot remain quiet while the current health insurance system causes millions of New Yorkers to struggle with preventable illness and death.

    Every one of our patients deserves to receive the care they needWe urge you to support the New York Health Act and replace private insurance with comprehensive, universal healthcare for every New Yorker. 

    Here’s how New Yorkers will benefit:

    1. Comprehensive coverage. All residents, regardless of immigration status, will be covered for: primary, preventive, and specialty care; hospitalization; mental health; reproductive health; dental, vision, and hearing; long-term care and support services; and prescription drugs and medical supplies. It will be more comprehensive than commercial health plans.

    2. Freedom to choose. No network restrictions. Patients will choose the doctors they want and make healthcare decisions with them, not with insurance companies.

    3. Fair funding. No more premiums, deductibles, or co-pays. Universal coverage funded through a graduated tax on income, based on ability to pay. Healthcare costs will be reduced for 98% of New Yorkers. Most business healthcare expenditures will also be reduced.

    4. Decreased administrative costs. No more paying insurance companies’ administrative costs and profits. No more time spent by doctors, hospitals, employers, and patients completing forms and negotiating with insurance companies. The total savings is estimated to be $45 billion. Healthcare will be accountable to the public’s health, not to insurance company stockholders.

    5. Reduced cost of drugs and devices. Direct negotiation with pharmaceutical companies and medical device makers will bring prices down by as much as 40%.

    Today, 25 states are considering single-payer legislation. New York is the closest to passing a bill. Make our state a national leader in pandemic recovery by supporting and passing the New York Health Act and enshrining health as a human right for all. Passing the NY Health Act has never been more urgent.


    Oliver Fein, MD; Danny Lugassy, MD; Danny Neghassi, MD; Cheryl Kunis, MD; Roona Ray, MD, MPH; Peter Steinglass, MD; Julie Wegener, MD; Michael Zingman, Medical Student, Columbia P&S.

    Scroll down to sign!

    PRINT the Doctors for NY Health Petition HERE.
    View the list of physicians who have endorsed the New York Health Act HERE.

    Organizational Endorsers List Includes:

    Bren Raleigh, MD; Physicians for a National Health Program, Buffalo Chapter

    David Ray, MD; Physicians for a National Health Program, Capital District

    Oliver Fein, MD; Physicians for a National Health Program, NY Metro Chapter

    Sunny Aslam, MD; Physicians for a National Health Program, Syracuse Chapter

    Bill Jordan, MD and Marc Manseau, MD; National Physicians Alliance 

    New York State Academy of Family Physicians

    Camille Clare, MD; Manhattan Central Medical Society

    Doctors for America, Mt Sinai

    Students for a National Health Program, Downstate

    Students for a National Health Program, Mt Sinai

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  • donated 2023-01-29 03:55:36 -0500

    Become a Monthly Sustaining Donor!

    We are a member-supported organization and cannot do this work without you.

    Thank YOU for volunteering, showing up, and donating. 

    We need you now more than ever! Sustaining donations allow us to budget for the future most effectively and build momentum for guaranteed care for all and total health justice. Your tax-deductible contribution, no matter how small or large, goes towards organizing that ranges from the production of informational materials, direct actions, work in the community, collaborating with medical students and residents, monthly forums, building leadership, keeping the lights on and more!

    Become a monthly sustaining donor below or click here to make a one-time contribution.

    Take the opportunity to become a member of national PNHP!

    Make a monthly sustaining donation of at least $25/month below!


    Make a one-time contribution of $250 or more by clicking here!

    Gift Memberships: To honor someone with membership benefits, please email us to inquire.

    To contribute by check:
    Make checks payable to "PNHP-NY Metro" and mail to:

    PNHP NY Metro
    PO Box 352
    New York, NY 10028

    PNHP - NY Metro is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


  • donated 2018-03-14 21:25:08 -0400

    Invest in the movement

    Donate below! We are a member-supported organization and cannot do this work without you. Your tax-deductible contribution, no matter how small or large, goes towards organizing that ranges from the production of informational materials, direct actions, work in the community, collaborating with medical students and residents, monthly forums, building leadership, keeping the lights on and more! We need you now more than ever! Thank YOU for volunteering, showing up, and donating to help grow the movement for universal healthcare and total health justice. 

    Choose the level of support that works for you:

    Make a one-time contribution below or become a monthly sustaining donor by clicking here to help make a lasting impact on our organization by providing a steady stream of funding that we can count on.

    Take the opportunity to become a member of national PNHP!

    To become a member, make a one-time contribution below of $250 or more!


    Become a monthly sustaining donor of at least $25/month - click here!

    Gift Memberships: To honor someone with membership benefits, please email us to inquire.

    To contribute by check:
    Make checks payable to "PNHP-NY Metro" and mail to:

    PNHP NY Metro
    PO Box 352
    New York, NY 10028

    PNHP - NY Metro is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


  • signed up on Sign Up 2014-04-29 16:16:22 -0400

    Sign Up

    Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) is a nonprofit organization of 22,000 physicians, medical students, and health professionals who support single-payer national health insurance. The PNHP-NY Metro Chapter is one of over 50 chapters across the country.
    All are welcome to join us in our advocacy for a just and equitable healthcare system that will save lives and money.
    You do not need to be a physician to sign up for our listserv or participate in our events.
    Sign up below for updates, info on our forums, and to get involved!

    Looking to become a member of PNHP? All are welcome! Click here for information.

    Sign up

  • signed Physicians' Letter 2013-10-25 14:50:52 -0400

    Physicians to Albany: Pass single-payer universal health care!

    Physicians and medical students, make sure the Governor, Assembly Speaker, and Senate Majority Leaders hear from New York physicians that we want a universal, single-payer health care plan.

    269 signatures

    Dear Governor, Senate Majority Leaders, and Assembly Speaker:

    We urge you to support the New York Health Act:

    Although the Affordable Care Act has made improvements in our health care system by expanding access and curbing the most abusive practices of the health insurance industry, it will not bring health care to all nor control costs. Millions will still be uninsured or underinsured—one job loss or illness away from bankruptcy. Billions of dollars will continue to be wasted by private, for-profit insurance companies. These dollars could all be going toward providing health care if we eliminated this unnecessary middleman.

    As physicians we have seen, up close, how our patients are suffering: unable to pay for their medications, tests and doctor visits. Because of this, many delay treatment until their health is in jeopardy. They are forced to choose between buying food and buying pills. They avoid costly tests and doctor visits, so that a curable cancer becomes deadly due to lack of timely treatment. Every day five New Yorkers die due to lack of health care. That’s about 2,000 lives per year in our state.

    We can do better.

    There is a growing movement across the country to push for state single-payer systems; 25 states have introduced single payer bills. New York State can lead the way to health justice with the New York Health Act. It provides publicly funded, privately delivered health care. It would save taxpayers and businesses billions of dollars while improving health care for everyone. It would change the way we treat health care: as a basic human right and not as a luxury only some can afford.

    That is why we urge you to act to pass this important bill.


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