Walter Alton 15sc

Walter Alton's activity stream

  • donated 2023-06-19 18:32:52 -0400

    Marc Lavietes' 2023 Fundraising Page

    Marc LavietesI am delighted to be selected as an honoree this year in PNHP NY Metro's Reception Celebrating Single-Payer Champions! It has been my honor and pleasure to serve as the long-time Chapter Secretary and as a dedicated member of the Board of Directors. You can read my latest June 5, 2023 op-ed in the NY Daily News here, and read more about my work with PNHP and all of this year's honorees here.

    Looking back over my life, the books I have enjoyed the most (The Grapes of Wrath), the people (most recently, my PNHP colleagues) and my favorite activities all share one common denominator: concern with social equality and justice. Health care for all is a staple of a just society. We must continue working to advance Medicare for All as national legislation. But we can pass the New York Health Act now.

    Please contribute what you can below to help support the work of our chapter to bring about the systemic change our healthcare system so desperately needs!
