James Ryan 142sc

James Ryan

James Ryan's activity stream

  • signed up on Sign Up 2017-01-20 11:06:09 -0500

    Sign Up

    Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) is a nonprofit organization of 22,000 physicians, medical students, and health professionals who support single-payer national health insurance. The PNHP-NY Metro Chapter is one of over 50 chapters across the country.
    All are welcome to join us in our advocacy for a just and equitable healthcare system that will save lives and money.
    You do not need to be a physician to sign up for our listserv or participate in our events.
    Sign up below for updates, info on our forums, and to get involved!

    Looking to become a member of PNHP? All are welcome! Click here for information.

    Sign up

  • endorsed 2017-01-20 11:05:21 -0500

    Endorse New York Health

    Join a growing list of endorsers including the New York State Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics-District II, Doctors Council/SEIU, Committee of Interns and Residents/SEIU, National Physicians Alliance-NY, Doctors for America-NY, 1199 SEIU Healthcare Workers East, IATSE Local One, New York State Nurses Association and the New York State AFL-CIO. 

    We urge the New York State Assembly and Senate to enact Assembly bill A. 5062 (Gottfried)/Senate bill S. 3525 (Perkins)

    WHEREAS, Every person in New York State and in all the United States deserves access to affordable, quality health care; and

    WHEREAS, There is a growing crisis in health care in the United States of America, manifested in rising health care costs, increased premiums, out-of-pocket spending, decreased international business competitive-ness, and massive layoffs; and

    WHEREAS, As of May of 2009, approximately 2.6 million New Yorkers lack health insurance; and

    WHEREAS, Those uninsured now often experience unacceptable medical debt and sometimes life threatening delays in obtaining health care; and

    WHEREAS, Sixty percent of all personal bankruptcies are linked to medical bills; and

    WHEREAS, The increasing expense of Medicaid and the rising costs of insuring state employees and teachers can best be met not by limiting benefits, but by eliminating the administrative waste and profiteering created by the private health insurance industry which consumes approximately 30 percent of the United States’ health care spending; and

    WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature appropriated funds for a state-sponsored cost benefit analysis of the various ways the state could provide health care to all its residents. The Governor's report concluded while providing universal comprehensive quality health care, a single-payer system is the only plan that would reduce health spending billions annually by 2019 below projected levels; and

    WHEREAS, Senator Perkins and Assemblyman Gottfried have introduced the New York Health bill, A. 5062 / S. 3525, which if implemented would provide a universal, comprehensive, single-payer system of high quality health insurance for all New Yorkers with their choice of medical provider regardless of their health, income or employment status; and

    WHEREAS, In adopting a state single-payer plan, New York would be following the path being pursued in other states such as Vermont and California to develop universal health care alternatives to the recent federal legislation which is expected to maintain costly private insurance that does not end medical bankruptcies and denials of necessary care, now, therefore, be it

    RESOLVED, That the New York State legislature be and hereby is respectfully memorialized to enact A. 5062 / S. 3525 the New York Health bill.

    Submit endorsements to [email protected] or mail to PNHP NY Metro 220 5th Ave, 2nd Floor NY, NY 10001


  • donated 2017-01-20 10:47:58 -0500

    Invest in the movement

    Donate below! We are a member-supported organization and cannot do this work without you. Your tax-deductible contribution, no matter how small or large, goes towards organizing that ranges from the production of informational materials, direct actions, work in the community, collaborating with medical students and residents, monthly forums, building leadership, keeping the lights on and more!

    Choose the level of support that works for you:

    Make a one-time contribution below or become a monthly sustaining donor by clicking here to help make a lasting impact on our organization by providing a steady stream of funding that we can count on.

    We need you now more than ever! Thank YOU for volunteering, showing up, and donating to help grow the movement for universal healthcare and total health justice. 

    Take the opportunity to become a member of national PNHP!

    To become a member, make a one-time contribution below of $250 or more!


    Become a monthly sustaining donor of at least $25/month - click here!

    Gift Memberships: To honor someone with membership benefits, please email to inquire.

    To contribute by check:
    Make checks payable to "PNHP-NY Metro" and mail to:

    PNHP-NY Metro Chapter, 310 W. 86th St. #6B, New York, NY 10024

    PNHP - NY Metro is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; all donations are tax deductible.

