Join the Coney Island Health Care for All Town Hall!

Thursday, May 25th, 6:30PM - 8:30PM

Coney Island Hospital -- 2601 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11235

As members of Congress vote to take away health care, New York State can protect New Yorkers by implementing a universal, publicly financed health care that guarantees health care to all. The New York Health Act—our state universal health care bill (A4738/S4840)—has passed the Assembly in 2015 and 2016, and has more support than ever in the New York State State Senate.

Join the discussion with health care experts and elected officials to hear how a universal health care system—a program like Medicare for all New Yorkers—could work for you. All are welcome!



Mary O'Brien, MD, Physicians for a National Health Program

Gerald Friedman, PhD, Economist, UMass Amherst 

Moderated by: NY State Senator Diane Savino



*PNHP NY Metro is encouraging members to attend these forums in lieu of the regularly scheduled public forums in Manhattan in order to support the grassroots energy in our communities.

May 25, 2017 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Coney Island Hospital 2601 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11235
Vanessa Brown Sonia Awilda Velazquez Barbara Sanchez Toby Horowitz Cary G. Rubin David Barouh joel armel Jessica Spanton Andrew Cohen Pramilla Malick Tara L. Martin Brandon Patterson Aura Mejia Kate Robbins Katie Urban Amy Zarkos Celeste Leibowitz Sarah Zorn Fight Back Bay Ridge Patricia Kane Saman Sarraf Michael Zingman Mazeda Uddin Jasmine Faustino A.M. Goodridge

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