Nancy Bowen 15sc

Nancy Bowen's activity stream

  • donated 2023-06-12 08:57:33 -0400

    Julie Schwartzberg's 2023 Fundraising Page

    Julie speaking into a bullhorn at a rally, wearing a blue \For my birthday on July 19, this year, I invite you to please contribute below on my behalf to help support the work of the NY Metro Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program. I have served on the Board of Directors since 2022 and I can't say enough good things about the work that the NY Metro Chapter has done over the past two years in support of the NYC municipal retirees as we fight to keep our public Medicare benefits.

    Please contribute what you can below to help support the work of our chapter to defend traditional public Medicare and organize for truly universal, comprehensive healthcare - care that we all so desperately need!

