Student Advocacy Fund

Donate below today to send a student to the Annual SNaHP Summit and PNHP Leadership and Advocacy Training and National Conference in Chicago this November! 

This fund will also support our 2024-2025 Student Fellows, who coordinate the statewide network of 12 NY Metro area SNaHP chapters which have been instrumental in building momentum for the NY Health Act and Medicare for All.

Our Student Fellows play a critical role in developing, refining and co-leading our UHLAF: Universal Healthcare Legislative Advocacy Fellowship, building the leadership skills of roughly 30 new advocates each year.

New York students have placed op-eds in the NY Times (first pro-single-payer piece in a decade!), City and State NY, Albany Times Union, and more. 

They have organized national SNaHP conferences, drawing over 150 health professional students to New York City.

They play a major role in our educational forums and demonstrations including our upcoming October 2024 forum, and a 2019 “Pharma Greed Kills” protest at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals against price-gouging and for single-payer with tough price negotiations as the solution. 

By contributing today to the Student Advocacy Fund, you can give students an experience that will have a profound impact on their careers, advocacy for their patients, and the future of healthcare in the U.S.



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