Free Public Forum

 Mapping the Opposition: Who is Attacking Universal Health Care?


Village_Insurance.jpgWhen: Tuesday, October 17th, 7:30PM – 9:00PM

Where: Mount Sinai Beth Israel Phillips Ambulatory Care Center, 10 Union Square East @ E 14th Street, 2nd Floor Auditorium

Featuring: Robert Galbraith, Researcher with LittleSis

Moderator: Roona Ray, MD, MPH, PNHP NY Metro Board Member

As the movement to win truly universal, public health care shows signs of success, we can expect the opposition to our effort — insurance and pharmaceutical corporations — to pour exorbitant amounts of money into the campaign to defeat us. Here in New York, almost a majority of the legislature is on record supporting the New York Health Act —the universal single-payer bill in New York State. Not surprisingly, groups like Reclaim New York are funding anti-New York Health Act mailers in key Senate districts to undermine the effort.

Join PNHP NY Metro for a discussion with public accountability organization, LittleSis, on how the opposition to truly universal, single-payer health care is mobilizing. Learn who funds these efforts, and how they profit from the status quo.  In what is a David and Goliath battle, this free forum will address how we will build the movement to take on these corporations and win the right to health care.

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On filming: We are unable to live stream from the forum, but we will post a video for public viewing after the forum. You can view video from past forums in the archives.




October 17, 2017 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Mount Sinai Beth Israel’s Phillips Ambulatory Care Center
10 Union Square East @ E 14th Street 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
United States
Google map and directions
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